I am plenty angry, I have just been over run by death, children, Christmas, spring holiday, a cold and so on and so on. I have had plenty angry moments, I just haven't dedicated any time to this blog. Though I think about it frequently. I have another blog I maintain. One that I will keep separate from this one. Rantings of an Angry Mommy is my own private place to air all my dirty little thoughts (that my family and friends shouldn't read). You know, like, are my children too old to abandon at the fire station, or really, did my father in law really pay off the lien on his new wife's house?
Of course, now that I have stolen a moment away (OK, my kids are currently pouring water all over the kitchen while I ignore them) I cannot think of one specific thing about which I want to rant. Weird huh? Last night, while Chicken wasn't falling asleep (by the way, it is now an hour later than when I started this post - where does the time go? Chicken need to go potty, Bubby slipped in the watery mess and needed to be consoled, Chicken needed milky (yes, I still nurse) I had to clean up the watery mess, find Chicken dry clothes, empty the washer to wash all the wet towels) I thought of all the clever things I could blog. Now my mind is dry! Unlike my kitchen floor.
I vow not to be a stranger to what could be a fabulous outlet for my frustration with my life (which isn't bad - something I always remind myself when I am feeling cursed. AHA! I need to blog about when Bubby broke a glass in the bathroom while at the same time Chicken pooped in the tub and I was standing in just the bottoms of my new bikini. A very good story for another post.
Just stumbled across your blog and think it is fantastic! I am always a sucker for a good rant.